| or Call: 302-588-7665

E-mail for General Inquiries, Questions and Class Registration: info@academyofdogtraining.com

E-mail for For Carrie: carrie@academyofdogtraining.com

Academy of Dog Training and Agility The Academy of Dog Training & Agility, Delaware
8 Weeks of training is better than 8 Years of wishing you had.

Nose Work

(8 weeks)

Nose Work - Scent


Nose Work Class


We will be going through the different ways to train weave pole and weave pole entries. Our focus will be on the importance of the reward line, making weaves fast and fun.

We will also do some active stretching so you and your dog can have a strategy for warming up before a competition run and cooling down after the run.

We will also be talking about a consistent plan for getting ready for each run. You might call it a pre-run ritual. What is the importance of these warm ups?



  • Must be in the Beginners II agility class or higher

  • Positive training methods (like all our classes).

  • Have loads of fun while enhancing your relationship.

  • (8) 1-HOUR CLASSES

  • Price $200.00


Please Click Here to See the Class Schedule


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