| or Call: 302-588-7665

E-mail for General Inquiries, Questions and Class Registration: info@academyofdogtraining.com

E-mail for For Carrie: carrie@academyofdogtraining.com

Academy of Dog Training and Agility The Academy of Dog Training & Agility, Delaware
8 Weeks of training is better than 8 Years of wishing you had.

Canine Good Citizen (CGC)

This course is to prepare you and your dog to take the Canine Good Citizen test.

Our Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Advanced Class


AKC Canine Good Citizen ProgramCANINE GOOD CITIZEN CLASS:  This course is to prepare you and your dog to take the Canine Good Citizen test. This is a 4 week course with test.

Cost: $115.00

Please Click Here to See the Class Schedule

ADVANCED CANINE GOOD CITIZEN : This class will be held at the Academy and various local parks. Parks are within 15 miles of the Academy will be announced on first day of class. Prerequisite must have CGC certificate first. Five classes including test $110.00. Also includes CGCA patch for those that take class and pass the test.

Cost: $150.00

Please Click Here to See the Class Schedule

If anyone feels they have prepared sufficiently for taking the test without the "practice class", they are welcome: CGC test $20.00 or CGC Advanced $25.00 ( must show CGC certificate at or before test).


Our Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Advanced Class


Click Here to sign up for a Class with our online Class Registration !


AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program

What is it?

AKC Community Test


Welcome to the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. Started in 1989, CGC is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.

Many dog owners choose Canine Good Citizen training as the first step in training their dogs. The Canine Good Citizen Program lays the foundation for other AKC activities such as obedience, agility, tracking, and performance events. As you work with your dog to teach the CGC skills, you'll discover the many benefits and joys of training your dog. Training will enhance the bond between you and your dog. Dogs who have a solid obedience education are a joy to live with-they respond well to household routines, have good manners in the presence of people and other dogs, and they fully enjoy the company of the owner who took the time to provide training, intellectual stimulation, and a high quality life. We sincerely hope that CGC will be only a beginning for you and your dog and that after passing the CGC test, you'll continue training in obedience, agility, tracking, or performance events.

AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program is one of the most rapidly growing programs in the American Kennel Club. There are many exciting applications of this wonderful, entry level that go beyond the testing and certifying of dogs.


Many other countries (including England, Australia, Japan, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, and Finland) have developed CGC programs based on the AKC’s CGC Program. A CGC Neighborhood Model has been established, police and animal control agencies use CGC for dealing with dog problems in communities, some therapy dog groups use the CGC as a partial screening tool, and some 4-H groups around the country have been using the CGC as a beginning dog training program for children.

A number of specialty (one breed only) clubs give the CGC at their annual national dog show. Dog clubs have discovered that the CGC is an event that allows everyone to go home a winner. Veterinarians have recognized the benefits of well-trained dogs and there are some CGC programs in place in veterinary hospitals. State legislatures began recognizing the CGC program as a means of advocating responsible dog ownership and 34 states now have Canine Good Citizen resolutions.

In a little over one decade, the Canine Good Citizen Program has begun to have an extremely positive impact in many of our communities. This is a program that can help us assure that the dogs we love will always be welcomed and well-respected members of our communities.

(From the AKC Website : http://www.akc.org/events/cgc/program.cfm )

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppysm Program!

Test Items and Pledge

A key component of the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppysm Program is a responsible owner. Our Canine Good Citizensm Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge is for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppysm Program too. Responsibility should start the moment you decide to add a new dog or puppy to your family.

AKC CGCsm Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge

I will be responsible for my dog’s health needs. These include:

  • routine veterinary care including check-ups and vaccines
  • adequate nutrition through proper diet; clean water at all times
  • daily exercise and regular bathing and grooming

I will be responsible for my dog’s safety.

  • I will properly control my dog by providing fencing where appropriate, not letting my dog run loose, and using a leash in public.
  • I will ensure that my dog has some form of identification when appropriate (which may include collar tags, tattoos, or microchip ID).
  • I will provide adequate supervision when my dog and children are together.

I will not allow my dog to infringe on the rights of others.

  • I will not allow my dog to run loose in the neighborhood.
  • I will not allow my dog to be a nuisance to others by barking while in the yard, in a hotel room, etc.
  • I will pick up and properly dispose of my dog’s waste in all public areas such as on the grounds of hotels, on sidewalks, parks, etc.
  • I will pick up and properly dispose of my dog’s waste in wilderness areas, on hiking trails, campgrounds and in off-leash parks.

I will be responsible for my dog’s quality of life.

  • I understand that basic training is beneficial to all dogs.
  • I will give my dog attention and playtime.
  • I understand that owning a dog is a commitment in time and caring.

20 STEPS To Success: The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppysm Test

S ocialization
T raining
A ctivity
R esponsibility


1. Maintains puppy’s health (vaccines, exams, appears healthy)
2. Owner receives Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge
3. Owner describes adequate daily play and exercise plan
4. Owner and puppy attend at least 6 classes by an AKC Approved CGC Evaluator
5. Owner brings bags to classes for cleaning up after puppy
6. Owner has obtained some form of ID for puppy-collar tag, etc.


7. Free of aggression toward people during at least 6 weeks of class
8. Free of aggression toward other puppies in class
9. Tolerates collar or body harness of owner’s choice
10. Owner can hug or hold puppy (depending on size)
11. Puppy allows owner to take away a treat or toy


12. Allows (in any position) petting by a person other than the owner
13. Grooming-Allows owner handling and brief exam (ears, feet)
14. Walks on a Leash-Follows owner on lead in a straight line (15 steps)
15. Walks by other people-Walks on leash past other people 5-ft away
16. Sits on command-Owner may use a food lure
17. Down on command-Owner may use a food lure
18. Comes to owner from 5-ft when name is called
19. Reaction to Distractions-distractions are presented 15-ft away
20. Stay on leash with another person (owner walks 10 steps and returns)

(from the AKC Website : http://www.akc.org/starpuppy/test_items_pledge.cfm )


Click Here to sign up for a Class with our online Class Registration !